17/10/00 tlf Give your girlfriend TAB until she screams, screams, screams. 20/10/00 Cthulu You need to discover the soothing effects of a nice round of dance dance revolution 22/10/00 Schrodinger'sCat I don't get off topic. The topic gets me off! 23/10/00 Schrodinger'sCat To clarify, I didn't mean murder with a necessarily negative connotation. 23/10/00 happyfish Stop stalking me, boys. 02/11/00 happyfish Try zellers. They sell the largest women's underwear known to man. 06/11/00 Otnooishphoo i am embracing it's electrikness. 09/11/00 Cthulu how am I supposed to keep a grip on a bald doorknob? 09/11/00 Meija "LES DANCES CONTACTE LEGAL" 12/11/00 Schrodinger'sCat If you think for the briefest moment that your dogmatic rhetoric passes as anything even remotely close to thought, you are deluding yourself. 13/11/00 happyfish Okay, you're SO out of the fan club. 14/11/00 silver angel Fellatio refers to the stimulation of the penis/male genitalia with the mouth/tongue/lips. Cunnilingus refers to the stimulation of the clitoris/female genitalia with the mouth/tongue/lips. Analingus refers to the stimulation of the anus with the mouth/tongue/lips. 14/11/00 hexalyn "tab will tear us apart, again." 15/11/00 zarah Oh teenage people riding white baptism the rays of tulips 16/11/00 Otnooishphoo WHERE IS THE CAPITALIST AGENDA WHEN WE NEED IT!! 19/11/00 hexalyn i'm still a butterfly looking for my samurai. 20/11/00 silver angel You mean, every time I fuck a Tabber, I'm bringing us ONE STEP CLOSER to TOTAL destruction???? 21/11/00 Soema sigh. 22/11/00 happyfish Whoever made chocolate make you feel sick if you eat too much was a genius! And I want to kill them. 25/11/00 matt i can't miss, the ladies love a depressed loser! 26/11/00 silver angel At least I have a variety of orifices, you phallo-sentric testosterone soaked all-consuming beomoth! 27/11/00 The Extremist That kicked superior posterior. 28/11/00 xornicon It's hard to tell sarcasm when I'm reading TEXT! 30/11/00 Pannekoekologist Yay semantic quibbling. 05/12/00 Soema you are by far the cutest 05/12/00 gomi +++ NO CONNECT 14/12/00 Pannekoekologist I still want to take over the world. 04/01/01 Cthulu now I'm afraid to scratch my ass-pimple without infecting myself. 06/01/01 Rorschach As for the human rights thing, I'm definitely sticking to what they're familiar with, SPORTS and SITCOMS. 07/01/01 Cthulu AND I NEVER MAKE TYPOS. I AM A PERFECT BEING WITH NO EXTERNAL ORIFICES. 08/01/01 gomi THE LIMITED PERSPECTIVE OF THE COMPUTER AGE SHALL BE YOUR DOWNFALL SKINNY PERSON! 09/01/01 happyfish TYPING IN CAPSLOCK IS MY ONLY HOPE OF BEING QUOTED AT THE TOP OF THE PAGE! 09/01/01 Cthulu I've always wanted to pull a chariot... 10/01/01 52Girls I have earned the right to listen to misogynist rock. 12/01/01 fiver the room was shrinking and growing. but in a friendly way. 14/01/01 gomi the human race is doomed anyways, so DRINK UP MONKEYS! 14/01/01 mrputter (don't mind me; I'm just an idiot) 15/01/01 gomi PASS THE POPCORN! 15/01/01 gomi ew... stop that steven tyler, stop that! 16/01/01 IceCreamEmperor Would it be better if I inserted line breaks? 17/01/01 happyfish Yes! Yes, I love! and that makes all the questionning worthwhile. 18/01/01 The Extremist AS AN ENEMA THROUGH MY GUTS! YEA! 18/01/01 gomi If i could bend my spine into the shape of a ? I wouldn't be asking questions, I would be giving myself head. alll dayyy lloooonnggg. 21/01/01 The Extremist Is that me or we're having massive redundancy here? 22/01/01 gomi WASTE MORE BINARY STORAGE UNITS 24/01/01 The Extremist irc eat irc eat irc sleep was my typical day. It was kinda fun. 24/01/01 Pannekoekologist What a mad fellow. 25/01/01 Pannekoekologist No meta-pedantry allowed, then? 25/01/01 mrputter Sometime later, a large flock of birds flew by overhead. I don't remember why this was significant. 29/01/01 happyfish the ability to learn makes the passage of time and my eventual death much more tolerable. 29/01/01 Pannekoekologist Argh! Spam that vibrates! 30/01/01 Soema new version, woop 30/01/01 The Extremist Stop making a big deal of it or I'll eat your first-born! 01/02/01 happyfish what kind of ridiculous orchestra doesn't have a drongophone? 03/02/01 Etana killing my phantom nightmare man I'm afraid is something I'm going to have to do myself.. 04/02/01 Etana paying my toll for a few small baby steps along the road.. 04/02/01 Etana I'm not sure which is worse.. shouting down inferior low-brow entertainment or having an elite-stick(tm) up one's ass. 07/02/01 happyfish later I dream I'm in a boat on a very choppy ocean surrounded by ambulances. I wake up to cats fighting next to my bed. 07/02/01 arts anti gamma you still have to press the same number of keys to spell it. Is this some kind of tabnet language? 08/02/01 gomi i'm drawing a 200 line ansi of goop in a lava lamp or something like that.." 09/02/01 ziola Maybe they stole it from behind an ice rink to make everyone else jealous... 09/02/01 nargyle if we have our collective way, we will have you holed up in your flat with cats until there is nothing left to read except pawprints on the wall. 11/02/01 gomi why sleep to dream, when you can stay up for a week and hallucinate! 11/02/01 gomi i laugh so's that they don't think i'm diiferunt. 12/02/01 Courtisan I haven't taken any courses or read much of anything on human sexuality, only listened to what my sister talked about 12/02/01 Cthulu I believe just a little while ago we were discussing some sexy stuffs? 13/02/01 Pannekoekologist I walked home through Darling Harbour I smiled at the city I was in and its lights. 14/02/01 Courtisan sure, whatever, as long as you're admitting you were wrong, I accept your apology. 23/02/01 Cthulu Similarly functional was an all-night marathon walk in a pouring downfall - as long as it feels that the world is about to end. 24/02/01 Etana It's all fixable. 26/02/01 Courtisan Don't you age at all, you sick, immortal bastard? 02/03/01 Silver Angel *hug everyone* It will all be okay. 03/03/01 Courtisan btw, i got a futon last weekend. You no longer have any excuses. 07/03/01 gomi i might still hit you with my .bat though 08/03/01 fiver the food base is not the butterfly base YOU FUCKING ASSHOLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 09/03/01 Courtisan oh, didn't you know? I'm a racist, sexist, homophobic anti-semite. 11/03/01 Etana For all our perceived flaws, I think somedays we really don't appreciate what we have. 12/03/01 IceCreamEmperor Let me just say this: loving happy unicorn sodomy. 13/03/01 Pannekoekologist You can't go "chik-chik" with your gun online. 17/03/01 gomi any monkey can fly a plane! 18/03/01 Courtisan when did tabnet become populated by weaklings and pansies? 22/03/01 Cthulu Actually I was going to drop a quasi-non sequitur bomb and respond with a retort from the Curse of Monkey Island, but I don't think they're as well-known and frankly I had to do what I could to save this thread from degenerating further into an Orson Scott Card love-in. 24/03/01 Cthulu We're animals. Embrace your fleshy existence! 25/03/01 Rushin I've turned into a penguin and holy shit can I fly! 26/03/01 Pannekoekologist FOOT-AND-MOUTH BELIEVED TO BE FIRST VIRUS UNABLE TO SPREAD THROUGH MICROSOFT OUTLOOK 29/03/01 zarah Wondered where the hell my life has gone and why god am I so tired? 30/03/01 Etana Everytime I have trouble with the ministry now I think back to that dawning look of incompetence that fell across that poor woman's face as I pulled apart her precious bureaucratic tapestry. 02/04/01 gomi so much phlegm for such a small opening! 02/04/01 hacker joe growing my own might be neat, but I don't know that I could grow enough when I use 40 leaves in a dish. 03/04/01 Pannekoekologist Why is it the world exclusive of most Indians and Indian restaurants is so incompetent at making chai? 04/04/01 Etana (*side effects may include feelings of light-headedness and euphoria followed by raging depression. Product comes 'as is'. No refunds.) 05/04/01 ziola I should have majored in monkeys. 08/04/01 Cthulu One of these days, I'm going to be seriously screwed. 08/04/01 Pannekoekologist Wind that stings is a strange thing. 09/04/01 Talkie Toaster I still don't see what the monkeys (or money) has to do with goldfish. 09/04/01 gomi flesh is too slow 10/04/01 Courtisan be careful, LSD has been known to lead to the creation of echomail networks. 11/04/01 sylphid i'm gonna give you a hot juar3z injection 12/04/01 52Girls contains all the requisite tentacle/animal/demon rape scenes. but she also cuts off peoples' heads in her spare time, so it's kind of feminist. 12/04/01 Talkie Toaster Is it just me, or is Gomi getting obsessively compulsive about his precious bodily fluids? 13/04/01 arts anti gamma I want to be like you! Quote me sysop! 16/04/01 52Girls i remember sleeping on the couch while a bunch of people (including ivar, chris, and travis) played risk and yolande played records, but i don't remember which tabber i was dating at the time. 17/04/01 Courtisan I always think I'm so witty until I get quoted at the top of the page. 17/04/01 Courtisan that was my 1000th message but I didn't realize, and I wasted it on petty bickering. 18/04/01 tuna I was never really sad, but I was kind of disoriented for months. 18/04/01 52Girls "ooh, symbolic interactionism! sounds cool! i want to be a symbolic interactionist when i grow up!!!" 19/04/01 Happyfish the boy is wearing no pants and keeps chasing me around. I hate it. 19/04/01 Soema KILL DEATH DIE 22/04/01 mrputter Reminds me of when I used to do the Jebel Hafeet run in Al Ain. 23/04/01 Courtisan i always enjoyed the salty taste of the shells when i crack them in my mouth 25/04/01 Courtisan I went to his house once.. I was mildly suspicious that i was going to get raped, but it turned out okay. 25/04/01 zarah John's post at the top of the page is severely creeping me out. 26/04/01 Cthulu it's just like in Being John Malkovich, except without the John Malkovich part. 28/04/01 The Extremist My jokes are too subtle for human understanding. 29/04/01 gomi FLAMING POOP BAGS 30/04/01 Silver Angel Maybe Rowan's been trained to ring bells at the sight of pools of saliva? 03/05/01 fule and for fuck sake things should be crypted here if we's gonna warez. 04/05/01 gomi pudding has a skin!! 06/05/01 Rorschach Seeing as I am William Gibson, I feel slightly hurt. 07/05/01 52Girls Ew i wouldn't want to be the one testing out the hereditary argument. 07/05/01 gomi this thread has degenerated beyond my participation. 07/05/01 meija she thinks i'm a nerd, i dont fucking care! 11/05/01 mrputter Shows what I get for listening to Xornicon. 11/05/01 gomi given enough altitude i'll bet they can fly to safety. 14/05/01 Silver Angel Families are like feral dogs. They run in packs, have periods of friendliness, but have a nasty tendancy to bite w/o warning. 14/05/01 meija i think most of the time it would be a "hey.. come over here and rub your stump on my wang" type of thing. 16/05/01 Pannekoekologist As he chewed the carpet, "gahpeh gahpeh gahpeh"... 17/05/01 IceCreamEmperor Didn't we threaten to nuke the communists over shit like this? 20/05/01 gomi personally i would have licked the coffee a little bit longer. 21/05/01 Cthulu If we can't part you from your money with our chakra-aligning crystal enema ear-candling kits, we'll just bleed you with the laundry. 22/05/01 IceCreamEmperor I bet if you stretched that out on a huge canvas it would look like an angel's wing. 23/05/01 arts anti gamma ha ha ha heh...woah. 27/05/01 Rorschach Enough of this, I want my HOBBIT CRUNCH cereal right bloody now! 17/06/01 Courtisan Are you inhuman? How can you not find that funny? Do you not laugh when someone trips on a banana peel or when the cat falls of the television? What's wrong with you people? 18/06/01 arts anti gamma Ahh...best five dollars we've ever spent. 18/06/01 Zarah But yeah. VD sucks in so many ways. 19/06/01 The Extremist Bon, pas de couleur dans les signatures? Bâtard... 20/06/01 Silver Angel I'm paranoid and I say I'm insecure and all craziness the just the exaggerated form of normalicy... 27/06/01 gomi i'll bet he'll make it REALLY FUCK LOUD (tm) for you... Casa Del Sol Style. 28/06/01 52Girls it makes me want to punch people and do them up the ass with an organic cucumber. 01/07/01 Rorschach And you can quote me on that. 06/07/01 Frandroid Atreides Soema is my new roommate and Mr. Putter has joined my dojo! 09/07/01 Happyfish I'm such a hypochondriac. It's probably a side effect of cancer. 15/07/01 Meija what? you're to cool to have seen "spiceworld" yet you own n'sync merchandise? 17/07/01 gomi I CAN'T HEAR YOU MY MONITOR IS NOT WORKING! 27/07/01 IceCreamEmperor Excuse me? In what way has this thread 'degenerated' into 'nitpicking'? I haven't noticed any, myself. 28/07/01 Rorschach When I left you I was but a learner, now I AM a tabber. 30/07/01 Happyfish There was nothing left but a vile, lemony residue. 04/08/01 gomi MADE OF PEOPLE!!! 08/08/01 Rorschach "Get your stinkin' paws off me you damned dirty clone!" 08/08/01 Cthulu No summer is complete without its thirst-quenching sassy fluid attitude. 14/08/01 Frandroid Atreides I think that now that it has become 90s to wear Batman t-shirts, I shall score one at value village and start wearing it. 21/08/01 Courtisan It's bad enough that they are dressed weird in foreign movies, I don't want to listen to their damn gibberish too.. 13/09/01 gomi oh, i thought this was BOiNk. 24/09/01 52Girls That voices of dissent have to be hysterectomized out of "sensitivity." 27/09/01 Courtisan I don't want to imagine the possibility that the cute 14year old girl I'm cybering with might actually be my dad. 12/10/01 sylphid taking fashion advice from my subconscious is only slightly less worrying than the current state of affairs, where the dead, vacant part of my mind responsible for my sense of visual aesthetics tells me what to do. 21/10/01 zarah Mr. Fibbles? Is this a real person or another of your imaginary friends? 24/10/01 zarah sitting in my cold apartment, lit with grey dismal daylight, listening to Leonard Cohen and drinking cloudy coffee. 26/10/01 Happyfish tuesday suck dick for me 26/10/01 gomi oops i am exagerating again.. sorry my doctor told me to not do that 28/10/01 Happyfish Fuck nobody, how about that. 01/10/01 gomi TRY HARDER RETARDOR!!! 02/10/01 gomi free sex for warez 09/10/01 gomi mmm marinated manbreasts 11/10/01 Cthulu tabbers were little catered sandwiches cut diagonally on crustless bread, but tabnet has become the monster 15-foot-long submarine sandwich that turned purple six years ago but we're still nibbling at from time to time. 15/10/01 fiver subjonctif. whats the point. 17/10/01 gomi then you neveeerrr haave tosleeeeeep aaagaaaaiinn... 18/10/01 Courtisan "Philosophy? No thanks! Let's go watch baywatch." 22/10/01 gomi (not that anyone would need bolt cutters, but over kill is better then nothing!) 24/10/01 Soema "ok, i'll eat the beer-soaked pretzels.." - barbara. 25/10/01 gomi SUUUUUPPPPPPPPPEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRR GOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRDD! 03/12/01 IceCreamEmperor I think the fundamental shift in Tabnet is best illustrated by the fact that now the majority of posts seem to be made during the day, whereas before it was almost unheard of to modem at any time except the middle of the godforsaken, soul-sucking adolescent night. 05/12/01 Frandroid Atreides Huh, should I read Nietzsche? 06/12/01 gomi insert selfhumourous sarcasm here. 12/12/01 Courtisan meanness over the internet doesn't count. 16/12/01 gomi human contact priceless. huddled warm flesh. 27/12/01 fiver whatever you losers. merry fucking christmas. i ate at 7-11 for lunch, so fuck off. 10/01/02 Cthulu Holy swamoli, what did I just say there? I don't even know anymore. 11/01/02 52Girls I like the idea of bleeding all over the place. Take that, patriarchy! 14/01/02 Rorschach I am a pop culture addict of the highest order. 21/01/02 52Girls I need to dip all the shoes in the ritual bath, and keep the green vegetables from touching the white ones. 23/01/02 Courtisan I think i've mentioned this hear before, but I once met a girl who told me she always set her alarm clock to times like 8:21 or 7:38 because she felt sorry for those odd numbers that didn't get used. Having thought, previously, that I was the only one who did that, I came close to falling in love with her... I figured we were meant to be together. 24/01/02 52Girls No trees left, no fields, just greenhouses and roads and warehouses and high tech, aboriginal title extinguished, real estate speculators watching like hawks over populations dying of HIV. 26/01/02 Zarah Tentacle anime pr0n is still animation 29/01/02 gomi Remind me never to try crystal meth, because I don't seem capable of handling tylenol-3 well at all... 04/02/02 Rorschach Simply put, nerds are l33t. Star Wars fukkin' roolZ! 05/02/02 Zarah being a boyfriend in this day and age usually means trying to put your tab A into her slot B. Not how much money you spend on her. That's prostitution. 06/02/02 Frandroid Atreides Don't they say in English, as we say in French, that prostitution is the world's oldest profession? 12/02/02 Zarah Well put, Non Sequiter Boy. 20/02/02 Rorschach 2. Naked Hawaiian girls doing an erotic Hawaiian dance, in a hot tub no less. Gotta love that. 22/02/02 52Girls I don't work tuesday-thursday. My subconscious, however, works overtime. 08/03/02 Cthulu it seems to me that we have more people sharing views here than are signed up for voices. I recommend the timely application of a riding crop to remedy this situation. 15/03/02 gomi there was even a huge table of official realtime nonstreaming buddhist monks. 19/03/02 Happyfish I get all 780ey instead of all 778tastic. 21/03/02 gomi SUPER GROD 02/04/02 fiver i find it disturbingly pink. 17/04/02 gomi come on you person can't you tell when i am talking out of my asshole? 20/04/02 52Girls I don't know how I'm going to operate in the real world, where my meaningless behaviour is not rewarded with even more meaningless numbers and letters. 30/04/02 gomi sure, i'm crazy now too, but that's half the fun of it! 18/05/02 Courtisan the internet is fuckign useless. 24/05/02 52Girls I think I have a blasphemous yen for celibate men. 25/05/02 Zarah hit tab enter to enter tab? 27/05/02 Cthulu someday I can invert the trend and promenade in a thong-muumuu combo. 27/05/02 (everyone) MACRO ATTACK! MACRO ATTACK! TALKING ABOUT TALKING ABOUT FUCKING FUCKING (etc * 50 lines and several images...) 28/05/02 Soema um, yeah. 29/05/02 Cthulu don't you remember what happened the last time you used that phrase? 29/05/02 Frandroid Atreides runny bubblejetters suck a mean rectum. 02/06/02 ??? good thing oranges are free! 04/06/02 mrputter While I can't bring myself to agree with Sylphid's position, I can empathize; I feel almost identically about nuts. 14/06/02 gomi modem naked and sweaty 20/06/02 meija the need to consume hot sauces and other spicy foods and then brag about the fact that you do such a thing points to either inadequate penis size or, in the case of a woman, penis envy. 21/06/02 hacker joe now that I have been born, summer, my most hated season, may begin. 22/06/02 Cthulu b3tt3r th4n gl0w3.3x3, m4n! 26/06/02 Zarah Where are my mammary-fat-storage chambers? Help! 27/06/02 Happyfish Eat your menstrual pads! They're good for you! Mmm, cotton! 28/06/02 52Girls How little he knows about the depths to which nerdiness can plummet. 02/07/02 fiver sugary acidy spew!! 08/07/02 52Girls Maybe we should start a band. 12/07/02 gomi i got a running start i could probably get up on the desk and through the window and over the balcony, but i don't think i'd clear the power lines. 14/07/02 Courtisan shit dude, if buying stuff won't keep you happy... I don't know what will. 18/07/02 52Girls Whoah, clothes from grade nine. I'm going to wear these every day from now on. 18/07/02 sylphid "ok, if i don't kiss you right now i'm going to die" 26/07/02 gomi (refresh)(refresh)(refresh)(refresh)(refresh)(refresh)(refresh)(refresh)(refresh)(refresh)(refresh)(refresh)(refresh)(refresh)(refresh)(refresh)(refresh)(refresh) 30/07/02 Rorschach You've killed all enjoyment of tabnet, and that's why I'm leaving...FOR GOOD. 31/07/02 Happyfish At this point I don't think he'd come to a meet even if it meant free tickets to a blow job from princess leia. 02/08/02 gomi what if i told you that brick once hid rowans wang from nuiwanda. 09/08/02 gomi Purchase Microsoft Windows(r) today! Don't Delay! (Advertisment paid by the Anti-Linux Corperation of USA) 13/08/02 Frandroid Atreides "I love it, I want to fuck it" 17/08/02 Rorschach He doesn't feel remorse, pity nor pain. He will keep farting until you are dead! 22/08/02 Happyfish maybe I'll settle for now = 1 year from now. 27/08/02 Cthulu Well, cross-platform antics of all kinds are somewhat amusing... 02/09/02 Cthulu (Bongohead fan fiction? I think we're better-off not going there.) 18/09/02 Happyfish Rinse & repeat, rinse & repeat, what am I missing? 18/09/02 gomi I AM THE ONLY ONE ALLOWED TO BE SERIOUS HERE! 20/09/02 - - 14/10/02 gomi if tabnet feels stale, it's not the quote headers fault. 15/10/02 gomi but is your bum foaming fish coffee? 18/10/02 Pannekoekologist If we're going to be profane and offensive, we've got to do it with funny noises. 25/10/02 Pannekoekologist I should never read things twice. It only leads to disappointment. 30/10/02 fiver remember, pudding is made of pure sunlight. 02/11/02 arts anti gamma my father zips over to Zimbabwe every once in a while to get a new wife. 07/11/02 jesusbonehead there's this girl there that like get's all upset when you frag her and will jump around and go insane and freak out. SWEET. will you marry me??? 10/11/02 gomi dreams are the only thing that keep me going 11/11/02 52Girls Though I guess Rabbit is more of a spring dish, what with the fertility symbolism and everything. 12/11/02 jesusbonehead so yeah this means if I'm in norway and meet a girl she could be my cousin 15/11/02 gomi sometimes it's fun to be an arse :) 18/11/02 Talkie Toaster there are no friends outside of tabnet. only analog people. 19/11/02 Soema 11. In the field of psychotherapy there is a very effective technique called aversion therapy. When we associate or think of something very distasteful with something which has been pleasurable, but undesirable, the distasteful thought and feeling will begin to cancel out that which was pleasurable. If you associate something very distasteful with your loss of self-control it will help you to stop the act. For example, if you are tempted to masturbate, think of having to bathe in a tub of worms, and eat several of them as you do the act. 20/11/02 Soema 9. Pray. But when you pray, don't pray about this problem, for that will tend to keep [it] in your mind more than ever. Pray for faith, pray for understanding of the Scriptures, pray for the Missionaries, the General Authorities, your friends, your families, BUT KEEP THE PROBLEM OUT OF YOUR MIND BY NOT MENTIONING IT EVER -- NOT IN CONVERSATION WITH OTHERS, NOT IN YOUR PRAYERS. KEEP IT _OUT_ of your mind! The attitude of a person toward his problem has an affect on how easy it is to overcome. It is essential that a firm commitment be made to control the habit. As a person understands his reasons for the behavior, and is sensitive to the conditions or situations that may trigger a desire for the act, he develops the power to control it. 20/11/02 meija best ascii dong ever. 22/11/02 fiver new york vs. amsterdam. fight! 22/11/02 Happyfish I can't believe a fucking batchfile makes me want to cry. 28/11/02 Pannekoekologist Ow! You cut my bum. 29/11/02 Rorschach "The Kiwi George Lucas"? Fuck that noise. 29/11/02 Happyfish it would change from "PEES" to "PETER JACKSON RULES" How appropriate. 02/12/02 52Girls I think this cannibalism must be stopped. I have enclosed a donation. 04/12/02 gomi see: hyperbole 06/12/02 fiver moo is the new meh. 10/12/02 fiver i thought i moved beyond the age of 15. oh well. 13/12/02 Cthulu the sound of dying alone and unknown. 14/12/02 a1d4n Kids these days scare me. I mean they're all 20 ft tall and massive, I'll blame it on brita water filters and the hormones in chicken. 16/12/02 Cthulu Almost everyone is someone's friend, but it's rare and special to be a dork! 23/12/02 gomi SO pay no attention to my opinions on this matter, they are inherently flawed through years of fractured upbringing and misunderstanding. 26/12/02 52Girls Mother: Do you want some diazepam, honey? 30/12/02 jesusbonehead that's why i've opted to bring in the new year with EXTREME METAL 06/01/03 52Girls If they don't accept me, I will go to Tibet and farm yaks, but they are going to accept me, because I'm rad. 12/01/03 52Girls Instead of dying on a slab for the sins of mankind, Aslan will be blown up by a terrorist shoe-bomb. 13/01/03 Zarah I can't stand pretentious motherfuckers who use big words when diminutive ones will suffice. 14/01/03 Cthulu well, when you see a fox strut by does it leap up with a mind of its own or is its engorgement the end result of a more conscious preparation for intercourse? 20/01/03 Etana alright... time for some nice, relaxing PHP... 22/01/03 jesusbonehead I give it 10 more years before I turn on my plasma screen to find myself bombarded with spam video of other people dry humping their keyboard and I will cry for the days of 2400bps 26/01/03 Zarah You'll notice how I'm NOT COMMENTING on anything these boys are talking about. 27/01/03 Frandroid Atreides I'm delaying the next day from coming! 29/01/03 52Girls Is this what God is supposed to do? Absorb the love that humans can't seem to properly deal with amongst themselves? 01/02/03 arts anti gamma Oh, mom, I love you, but please change the channel. 06/02/03 fUP i don't think i was around at that point i think i was doing meth!hahahahahaha 09/02/03 Cthulu As always. I wonder what's next for me; scatologizing the ecosphere? 10/02/03 Meija we should ban linking to fucking everything2 writeups. i dont care what nerds i dont know have to say.. 12/02/03 gomi bollox i hardly ever eat and i am completely rational and balanced! 13/02/03 tuna disclaimer: you're not me. 17/02/03 meija this made half an hour of an otherwise shitty day, awesome. 20/02/03 meija whoa sweet, a poem about pulling on your unit. 26/02/03 gomi you've turned me over to look at the soft bits? 27/02/03 Cthulu the kittens rhyme with the warm woolen mittens. 01/03/03 harrysheep cool!! i wonder what other things in my fridge i can drink straight out of the bottle!! MMMMM... FISH SAUCE..... 03/03/03 gomi they also love orgies. 05/03/03 meija why do all the "men" here have girl hair? 09/03/03 jesusbonehead I love you all.. you fucken ankies. 12/03/03 Pannekoekologist Fries not too soggy yet, cheese curds still squeaky fresh. 22/03/03 Cthulu hello soft, silky beard! 22/03/03 gomi i had to clean the lake this morning! before breakfast! 25/03/03 gomi i will pave my destiny in binary, and hopefully i won't fall through a zero. 27/03/03 52Girls Sometimes I pick up a bag of bagels on the way home, and feel even lonelier. 02/04/03 evanmunro dream theory? are they anything like dream theater? If not i think you probably need more keyboard solos 09/04/03 52Girls mild to moderate SHENANIGANS 11/04/03 gomi The Parking Lot of LOST VIRGINITY 15/04/03 Frandroid Atreides It's fun and easy! Pour tous les enfants de 7 à 77 ans! 26/04/03 Rorschach You're the one listening to Fleetwood Mac, check your own worm ridden crotch, crap for brains. 03/05/03 Cthulu the only thing better than musical masturbation is musical snowballing! 11/05/03 Happyfish Dehydrated mucus: would it be noticeably different than feces anyway? 14/05/03 Happyfish That is the most bachelor pad I know. The bathroom alone screams "goodbye girls! see you never!" 26/05/03 52Girls Two sad fat old gay men in robes do not the answer to my existential crises make. 28/05/03 Talkie Toaster Everything I say is superbly amusing and yet I never manage to get quoted. 01/06/03 Pannekoekologist Okay I don't know that waws number one good idea 05/06/03 Cthulu But really, my views towards DDR are similar to those of a devout monk who must cross himself every time he sees an icon of the Madonna. Does he enjoy doing it? 06/06/03 Pannekoekologist Saxophone solo! Marimba solo! Powerbook solo! 11/06/03 52Girls It's about as valid as dividing the world into ravers, goths, and preppies for the purposes of disease detection. 13/06/03 - - 01/07/03 Happyfish it'll probably be a quote of you whining about there being no quote header and you'll regret it. Ha ha. 06/07/03 harrysheep Usefulness is measured in relation to what percentage of one's fist one can fit in one's mouth. 18/07/03 Pannekoekologist A punch to the junk? 20/07/03 gomi uhm, punch him in the junk, you are HOT. 21/07/03 Cthulu only one? such restraint. 22/07/03 gomi most expensive bbs ever. 22/07/03 gomi BOW DOWN TO THE T/\x{2563}ßG0d 28/07/03 jesusbonehead Their lives are like a prison sentence of mediocrity with no parole. 29/07/03 IceCreamEmperor I'm still trying to figure out how Brooke's B connects to Francois' A. 30/07/03 Paradox Who cares if they hate you for doing better. 05/08/03 gomi softcore macroretreat 06/08/03 Frandroid Atreides Time to end this "no touching" insanity!! Feel the love!! Do the French thing!! 09/08/03 The Judge I actually have a funny story, 4 or 5 years ago or something I had gone to a tabmeet, and anyhow some newbie tabbers had called me up and they were like...you smoked crack rock, and stuff?!...and I started laughing..and they said.. it sez so right here in tabmeet#yaddayadda yadaa.. and I quote " 7:15pm getting ready for tabmeet.... 735pm SMokED some CrAK w0k!!!!!" and I told them, sorry I NEVER smoked crack cocaine, I was full of shit... then they seemed dissapointed, and pissed off and hung up on me....hahahaahaha. 10/08/03 Soema Fuck the Fireworks. Fuck Them up Their Stuipd Ass. 11/08/03 Cthulu I'm practically at the point where I find my own naked body obscene and scandalizing. 14/08/03 gomi has voice round goose bumps from getting 18/08/03 nargyle it's so hot and humid i don't need to pee any more. 19/08/03 IceCreamEmperor yesyesnoyesnonononoyesyesyesnoyesnonoyesyesnoyesyesyesnonoyesnoyesnonoyesnonoyesyesyesyesnoyesyesyesyesohbabyyes. 24/08/03 weird i had a crush on your ansi 27/08/03 Cthulu Note: nargyle != Matthew Glick. 01/09/03 IceCreamEmperor Myk called the meet in order to teach us a lesson about Tabnet, and we fell for it. 02/09/03 Poppaea Sabina Put jeans in oven to dry them off. 03/09/03 Cthulu dude, I once had wood in this room for the whole half-hour of a presentation to my sociology of media class. 04/09/03 Cthulu This ain't oldschool OR newschool; it's pre-school. 11/09/03 dubaiwalla On Saturday, I've got to debate whether politics and morality ever mix. 11/09/03 gomi if i knew what that meant, i'd be totally like, ah man, but since i don't know what that is i will just be like, what? 12/09/03 harrysheep Almost makes me wish i had a prostate so i could try out something i learned tonight.... 14/09/03 fiver if you mean cool as in torture, then yes. 16/09/03 achan Also, aprons hide pee stains. 17/09/03 mrputter So STFU, you FUCK SHIT SPOILED PRINCESS SYSADMIN. 19/09/03 Frandroid Atreides Also--I've read Marx while coming down from an acid trip, so I'm bound to lose some parts ;) 22/09/03 Poppaea Sabina Yeah, for sure. You don't have to have read Plato to know bullshit when you hear it. 24/09/03 hacker joe they hump for me at home and at work, where I use I think mozilla 1.4 and 1.3, on windows. they also hump on my linux box in galeon (which uses the mozilla engine). 27/09/03 gomi ATOMIC FART ON THEM 28/09/03 gomi what to get ultrapersonal, i suggest EMAIL. 05/10/03 gomi GET ANGRY IT'S BETTER THAT WAY 06/10/03 Cthulu you could terminate my sentence after the first clause and it would be equally true 09/10/03 IceCreamEmperor Twice the ass, twice the death! 09/10/03 Poppaea Sabina Yeah, their produce blows. But if you're a baker, it's like frenzied masturbation city. 10/10/03 IceCreamEmperor Fly, my ninja minions, fly! 11/10/03 Happyfish I think the only safe thing to say about "christians as a whole" is that they are mostly pro-jesus. 11/10/03 mrputter I would just LOVE to wake up and unexpectedly find a cat in bed with me. Well... so long as it was a housecat, anyway (ie: clean). 18/10/03 gomi my eros for carrots is pragmatic in it's redundancy! 19/10/03 god_king I came to the conclusion that you and I have differing definitions of the term "insult". 19/10/03 gomi i love when people take me seriously, it makes me feel all warm inside. 21/10/03 jesusbonehead "Damn kids, spiking my coffee with LSD again.. they wouldn't do that if nixon was in the whitehouse" 21/10/03 ziola As long as they don't hire another fucking psychopath i'll be happy. 25/10/03 jesusbonehead when i finally did end up in the Delta prison which is a few mobile home looking things beside a highway he was there with his dogs again and I carved "TABNET" with a quarter into the door while waiting for my release the next morning. 26/10/03 Frandroid Atreides Since this is anarchy, people would just randomly beat you up for no reason at all. 26/10/03 harrysheep Wow! Thacuntk you, Juwangdgy, I nipple would have nubticed that.... 29/10/03 jesusbonehead I missed the stich and bitch becuase I got wasted @ the cobalt for teh owners b-day. 30/10/03 Poppaea Sabina What do the savages of Legoland have to teach us about our own minds and social institutions? 01/11/03 jesusbonehead I didn't bother explaining TabNet she probably would've thought I was a terrorist or a baby killer or something. 04/11/03 Zarah he he he. soema called happy honey 06/11/03 Poppaea Sabina i found the solution to all impasses 07/11/03 pannekoekologist I feel like... it's like I touched the pope or something. 10/11/03 jesusbonehead big sausage party full of naked morons. fucking N.Van people are weird. 11/11/03 arts anti gamma Thanks for acting like an 8 year old, bitch. 12/11/03 square i wanna get it ALLL waxed off. 14/11/03 Poppaea Sabina ARRRGHHHH BURN THE PSYCHOLOGY BUILDING 17/11/03 Frandroid Atreides I'm sure you got some cooky Ismaili skeletons in your lexical closet!! 20/11/03 Cthulu it is as though the sum total of the remarks here are solely a collection of found poems for me to deconstruct and deliberately misinterpret. 26/11/03 gomi i need a laptop so i can be both places at once! 29/11/03 colour Jenn: "Oh, so we own it?" Jamu: "No, it's 0wned." 04/12/03 Cthulu to me Christmas totally TOTALLY means WOW I can log in to ANY BBS no busy signals because everyone else is doing stupid Christmas stuff with their families... and I am slaughtering them in LORD. 07/12/03 Happyfish it's a plot! MUST RESIST, MUST.. NOT.. PROCREATE.. 10/12/03 IceCreamEmperor What do we have/have not grammar speaking fucker comprehension, damnit?! 16/12/03 jesusbonehead "You lag my board dude now you must die!!" 23/12/03 Poppaea Sabina Ha ha ha ha. If only they knew I was a complete phony. 29/12/03 gomi is there some other tabnet on the net that i haven't found yet? 01/01/04 jesusbonehead my breakfast this morning was a handfull of painkillers. yay 2004 06/01/04 Poppaea Sabina Did you used to be a tabnetter? Or a unitarian? 08/01/04 Pannekoekologist I guess it's probably just a kind of weirdness cloud 12/01/04 gomi Breckenridge Colorado! you should totally go! 23/01/04 jesusbonehead Maybe it's a Tabnet disease. 26/01/04 Cthulu And, of course, if there's no interest there will be no self-referential anything thing. 29/01/04 Rorschach Who do you think you are? My wife? *looks in wallet* Nope! 04/02/04 Cthulu ah, the good old days at camp bukkake 06/02/04 IceCreamEmperor You think you pissed me off? Does that mean this is like, a reverse-gomi by me? 07/02/04 achan I have a digital camera, and my roommates aren't home ;) ;) 12/02/04 jesusbonehead if somehow it shows and I miss it, I will personally stab the promotional dept's feet into the ground with shurikans and uppercut their heads into the atmosphere where they will disintigrate 12/02/04 mrputter I vote AGAINST the header quote being design-by-committee. 14/02/04 arts anti gamma It pisses me off that I meet so many cool guys who I really like and want to hang out with, and as soon as they find out that I have a boyfriend they no longer want anything to do with me. 17/02/04 meija INARTICULATE POST! 26/02/04 Cthulu coining your own slang is so flog. 29/02/04 gomi terrible terrible underpants. 03/03/04 Frandroid Atreides You're not helping. 03/03/04 Pannekoekologist Big talk for a guy with no pants. 04/03/04 foolio in fact, the only thing i can think of that is funnier than drunken squirrels are exploding wildlife, like lemurs and seagulls. 06/03/04 Cthulu (effective communication may demand a lower than three-syllable word average 8) ****************** * HIATUS * ****************** 06/05/04 Poppaea Sabina assbitch! you must be my biking pain partner! today i considered phoning ENEMIES to get them to bike with me! 18/05/04 arts anti gamma It's time to change the header quote! Pretty please? 26/05/04 Frandroid Atreides So let me get this straight: you own a car you can't drive, and you're about to own land where you won't be able to live, while you don't own your own dwelling. Is that right? 27/05/04 Ice Cream Emperor the microwave is on an island surrounded by a thirty-foot moat full of ravenous, butter-craving dolphins 27/05/04 fiver GASP!! i forgot about those!!! i want to be a spy. 04/06/04 Hooloovoo Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, if gomi doesn't get you, Cthulu must 09/06/04 achan That's bullshit, Lipkovits. Your bread apotheosis is pushing it beyond the reach of the everyman. It's lunch, not communion. 23/06/04 banana someone else told a story about a friend being so hot at night, she stumbled to the freezer to get an ice pack to take back to bed with her. it wasn't until the next morning that she discovered she had grabbed a frozen squid. 29/06/04 jesusbonehead DAMN YOU GOOGLE 08/07/04 Frandroid Atreides if I had been the one to marry Joe, we could both have changed our names to Lundervilleneuve. 16/07/04 gomi Agreeing wholeheartedly in the apparition of my alleged proposition to concur 04/08/04 Ice Cream Emperor Sure, you thank them now. But just wait until you're woken up at 4 in the morning by the sound of your Jewish roomate licking the couch. 05/08/04 jlunder You're hella far away, and I think my pork can wait a day. 09/08/04 Frandroïde Atréides To be called a psycho is rather hurtful. 11/08/04 Ice Cream Emperor Then, keeping you locked up in a steamer trunk for conversation, I will proceed to uncover the vast panoply of precious stones necessary for total interstellar domination. 12/08/04 Poppaea Sabina Argh! I want to become a housewife so I can spend all my time watching (vampire) soap operas and cooking! 17/08/04 Poppaea Sabina bonk is winnar 17/08/04 mrputter Beware, all ye who post here! Yer every whimsical thought may be granted more permanence than ye ever might imagine! 18/08/04 Happyfish Those black market crack babies don't sell themselves, buddy. 01/09/04 gomi this is the way we make love to each other so fuck off ass face. 08/09/04 Pannekoekologist the other I scarred with a sugar cube. 09/09/04 meija i would rather not put glue in an open wound. 11/09/04 Frandroïde Atréides Hmmm. dog rape. I'm getting into contentious territory there. 11/09/04 mini My walnuts are starting to fall. I'm scared. 12/09/04 gomi FUCK YOU NEW WESTMINSTER! 13/09/04 gomi HERE COME THE HICCUPS OOOOH BOY!! 14/09/04 Pannekoekologist Tabnet had soggy yours top like the littleness. Tabnet had winner. 14/09/04 Sirati Whatever happened to tossing baby in a burlap sack and swinging it over your shoulder? 17/09/04 fool Blossom Tubesock Fatherland. 26/09/04 Happyfish My only recourse is to suntan on the mediterranean until I reach enlightenment or find 500 dollars 12/10/04 Pannekoekologist This educational process not only involved a sharp knife, but also, for the sake of aortal demonstration, an irrigation syringe plundered from the first aid box. 12/10/04 hexalyn I can't be sure because I'm no freezerologist. 20/10/04 mYK He's also a big nerd, which is really endearing. 25/10/04 Poppaea Sabina I'm in the "WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK" category 28/10/04 Ice Cream Emperor I hear that they use hubcaps with very low nickel content, the better to avoid trouble with magnets during high speed chases. 28/10/04 jlunder I would stack things precariously and twitch my manboobs anyway, but the shrieking is a definite bonus. 31/10/04 jlunder I just want to be clear that I didn't put this in the quote header 12/11/04 debaucheryofgod gassy bacteria are behind all that holey cheese 22/11/04 gomi wet batter = flat hard cookies. 27/11/04 Ice Cream Emperor But if the x-axis is love and the y-axis is fishes, then somebody here needs a bicycle. 01/12/04 jesusbonehead any product of the sea in a tin is totally sick. 04/12/04 Ice Cream Emperor Careful, you might tip the precarious balance of awesomeness in the universe, causing untold destruction and the death of many puppies. 06/12/04 jlunder it still amuses me that there's an apparently thriving company whose entire public face is basically a satire. It's something right in the world that I can hold on to. 08/12/04 Pannekoekologist You should go vandalize the signs. "Big Fat Bastard," and a picture of a really tall skinny guy with ill-fitting clothes kicking a fat man in the junk. 14/12/04 Frandroïde Atréides I've quit peanut butter cold turkey once too... I've never been the same since. 06/01/05 Hooloovoo Say something stupid. Tabnet needs a new header quote. 11/01/05 muplu I always add a trailing '_' to a private member. 16/01/05 banana but ... but ... they are both full of red bean paste. the pathos is the differentiating factor. 31/01/05 Frandroïde Atréides Jabba Curtis! Please release Lumps Solo, or you will die! 02/02/05 Rorschach PEDANT! PEDANT! Get in the corner, Grandpa! 14/02/05 Pannekoekologist Thighs taste better. 14/02/05 harrysheep your parents must have been retarded, cuz baby, you're special. 27/02/05 Happyfish My brain breaks the internet! 04/03/05 JesusBonehead AHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!sick 08/03/05 jlunder I don't want more volume, I want volume in more places. 11/03/05 The Judge Now excuse me while I drink my goblet of human blood. 17/03/05 fool Oh how desperate I am to get in to the quote. 18/03/05 debaucheryofgod i vote that we remove this quote asap. 07/04/05 Ice Cream Emperor you're just crazy like a coconut. 18/04/05 Pannekoekologist What is the international symbol for monkey fondulator? 21/04/05 jlunder My future hat talk will be incrementally superior. 27/04/05 fool after one of the bloody things I am under the tropical table. 07/05/05 UnwashedMass and he opened and cooked my forbidden, dented, can of Smurfaghetti-with-botulism from 1982. I smelled the tomato sauce from the basement, ran up and smacked the spoon out of his hand before any got into his mouth 06/06/05 harrysheep I shall start a cult around the Lebanese Samwich! so much better than previous god of New Walking Foot for Sewing Machine 07/06/05 Ice Cream Emperor FAIL! 10/06/05 tuna Yes, but it should not work very well. 11/06/05 sylphid fuck all you fucking white people. 15/06/05 Frandroïde Atréides Was it cock sauce or was it fish sauce? 20/06/05 Ice Cream Emperor Poor Jesus Bonehead, labouring under the weight of his own sprawling legacy of wtf-ness. 22/06/05 jlunder vbulletin fucking sucks 30/06/05 jlunder We should probably quit dicking around like this and just make you an admin. 04/07/05 fool Holy crap. Its a 50's movie flame. 04/07/05 Ice Cream Emperor women have it hard because they always have to have sex 'backwards'. 12/07/05 Frandroïde Atréides I'm wearing wet t-shirts to cool myself. 19/07/05 sylphid it's because you like the BIG COCK NOISE. 21/07/05 Pannekoekologist I'm sitting here in my undies eating a big smoked meat. 22/07/05 Pannekoekologist I think somebody may have succumbed to the "meat sweats" and required emergency assistance. 26/07/05 Frandroïde Atréides I hereby forbid anyone to highjack my threads for discussion of "meat sweats" 27/07/05 Pannekoekologist I blame you. 01/08/05 Poppaea Sabina Oh my god! Rhubarb is the anti-tomato! 03/08/05 pixel MAKE ME A CHEESECAKE, BITCH! 07/08/05 jesusbonehead damn if it isn't global warming/world war III its ROBOT HOLOCAUST 07/08/05 Ice Cream Emperor maybe I'm just a purist corn snob, like my father. 08/08/05 The Judge you can squeeze the niblets and get sprayed in the face 12/08/05 UnwashedMass jbh transcends supporting or disputing theses. he just descends from a cloud with anecdotes from beyond. 16/08/05 debaucheryofgod best thing about the USA is the burritos and the $1 tall cans of beer at gas stations. 18/08/05 mrputter Every single person in every single city in every single country across the entire planet whines that the driving in said city is worse than everywhere else. It's modern humanity's greatest unifying constant. 18/08/05 ??? It's a muon you cunt! 20/08/05 jlunder My tongue isn't fat like my jiggling man-boobs, but it could probably start a pretty good fire. 21/08/05 jesusbonehead ibook = antichrist? 25/08/05 pixel assholes. they should all die. 26/08/05 Pannekoekologist He opted out of the implant. 26/08/05 pixel slutting is always entertaining 27/08/05 Pannekoekologist Francois is totally the person to ask about how to say "mainstream". 28/08/05 fUP man zombie chicks are hot!!!!!!!!!!!!! 29/08/05 The Judge Unfortunatly I think of any examples off the top of my head to prove my point, but there are a lot. 02/09/05 jesusbonehead yes I have seen a runaway monkey 06/09/05 Frandroïde Atréides Your silver spoon still sticks out from your tinfoil hat. 06/09/05 Rorschach I'm so not a nymphomaniac. *sniff* 09/09/05 jesusbonehead alas Nazis can't take a joke 27/09/05 UnwashedMass This quote is balls... I think it would make a terrible header. 29/09/05 UnwashedMass I didn't know dogs measured time in assholes but when you think about it, this makes rather a lot of sense. 22/10/05 jlunder MAKE IT STOP before I have to BAN EVERYONE 24/10/05 ??? I don't know what for about soil moisture. 28/10/05 jlunder Personally, I'm hoping post quality will improve. 15/11/05 jlunder your only options are hilariously bad and painfully bad 16/11/05 pixel take that unrequited love!! 26/11/05 jesusbonehead cock-fucking motherbitches 06/12/05 Frandroïde Atréides You're like a freak magnet magnet. 10/12/05 pixel thapbtnit [porkchops] kan bee [when in raining countries] you're [stupid] idiotor [on sundays in 1976] 18/12/05 Pannekoekologist Fucking Vancouver hippy rabbit food. 05/01/06 (taste) Parsnipsichord: fucking Vancouver hippy rabbit food. 13/01/06 pixel SUCK ME schlong. 16/01/06 Pannekoekologist An asshole that's spewing fire is an asshole that has suffered a major containment breach. 19/01/06 Pannekoekologist Horace Shintzel shits horse schnitzel. 19/01/06 pixel GOOGLE IS NOT GOD 29/01/06 Ice Cream Emperor since this guy has Hep A, he therefore puts poop on people's food. 30/01/06 Pannekoekologist Do you do it harrysheep-style? 31/01/06 Pannekoekologist Do you do it harrysheep-style, standing on one leg, teetering? 01/02/06 pixel TINA EAT YOUR HAM 11/02/06 UnwashedMass Who can fill my gaping stomach with their throbbing lunch? 26/02/06 pixel shut the hell up terminal lover. 27/02/06 pixel the scroll ball is too small 16/03/06 pixel are you really darwins wife AND first cousin? 20/03/06 jlunder I was doing fine until I destroyed myself. 02/04/06 pixel i am going to run you over with a john deer combine. the really sharp kind. 09/04/06 jesusbonehead considering earth's enormous population and our short life span who really cares what went wrong anyways. 12/04/06 Frandroïde Atréides He's gotten an Apprentice's Degree in Dilettante Enjoyment of Montréal Foodstuffs along with a Specialization Minor in Schwartz Smoked Meat. 28/04/06 Happyfish I was bitching about his enlarged tongue. 20/05/06 harrysheep You were just too busy teabagging your bass to notice!! 21/05/06 Pannekoekologist How many times need we remind you of the difference between the crisper drawer and your asshole? 25/05/06 pixel STOP USING FAKE FONTS YOU COCKWHORE JURKFUCKERS 28/05/06 fool You're full of shit Lipkovits 29/05/06 Ice Cream Emperor Goddamn computer scientists! 29/05/06 pixel WHY AM I SO CRO-MAGNONIC!!! 26/06/06 jesusbonehead Not everbody who thinks about suicide however would choose to cut off their peen and hammer it 09/07/06 Pannekoekologist Googling "sacred bannister" does not return this site, so I'm not sure what's funny 09/07/06 harrysheep If i see any floating bandaids, it's back to land for me. 13/07/06 Pannekoekologist Admiral Akbar is not only an admiral, but he looks like a fish and he lives in Ivar's aquarium 18/07/06 UnwashedMass it is with me that everyone shall forevermore associate erotic Dr. Who fan fiction 20/08/06 UnwashedMass Every time your badger masturbates, God burninate your base with snakes on a goatse. 02/09/06 Poppaea Sabina "Nanalala" is how you say "nine eleven" with your fingers in your mouth, or when pretending to be retarded. 10/09/06 UnwashedMass This has been a test of the emergency bjeahcast system. 23/09/06 Frandroïde Atréides I find tabnet too wide. 19/10/06 UnwashedMass Here I'd been holding out in my vain hope that it was a literal translation for "naked mimes of agony". 30/10/06 Pannekoekologist Laertes: Ow! You cut my bum! 19/11/06 Frandroïde Atréides Call it dialectical gastronomy. 04/12/06 jlunder elephants with armour plate and turrets. 05/12/06 Hooloovoo You know what we need? Metaphor police. The metaphorce, as it were. 11/12/06 jlunder I loaded out my Centurion with a bunch of sweet alien blasters 14/12/06 MrTriscut I would feel like a dummy saying, 'yeah its OK for you to eat' and then going home and realising oh shit I forgot I put that ground meat into the bread. 15/12/06 MrTriscut mmmmm choc-broc-cupcakes. 16/12/06 Poppaea Sabina All that happened was my kitchen kind of reoriented itself, a crow communicated telepathically with me, and I realized that Switzerland was the Antichrist's nation. 17/12/06 Poppaea Sabina It is really hard to coordinate your movements when you are a fractal. 22/12/06 Ice Cream Emperor A perplexing reference? With no context? I can see how that might be alien to your experience. 01/01/07 jlunder Ha ha! No. 22/01/07 (jlunder) tabnet: hug-free land of despair since 1993. except ivar. 30/01/07 Pannekoekologist Don't underestimate the Charlotte Diamond Posse. 14/02/07 Poppaea Sabina I don't get it, why is that funny? 12/03/07 jesusbonehead damn I'm happy my life is a shitball mix of fucking insanity 01/05/07 (some spambot) Hi...great job with www.tabnet.ca! thanks! Bobs site! 05/07/07 Ice Cream Emperor Tabnet's work puts genre on the guillotine, throwing the headless remains into stark relief. 13/10/07 Ice Cream Emperor I hate it when they escape. 07/11/07 mini But really, who are we to judge The Judge? 22/11/07 jlunder you reprobates started it 30/11/07 pixel you can see it in there eyes 26/02/08 jlunder They cost many dollarses though. 03/07/08 Ice Cream Emperor Since Ivar is a dude he does not figure into the calculation. 25/09/08 taste If so, congratulations ! I've never heard of a wiki-fied personal ad before but the concept is bold, daring and embraces a whole new slant on web 2.0. Let's hope it works to leverage your synergies. 10/11/08 Happyfish PS LOOK IT'S EVEN CALLED A COLD, QED